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the protocol for the trial is divided into 2 intervention periods. the first period is to begin at the time of surgery, and the second period occurs during the course of care. these intervention periods are not strictly separated by any physical or developmental changes that might occur. the reason for separating these periods is that the interventions are directed at the infant and the parents, while the operative procedures themselves have minimal impact on the infant. at that point, there is little risk to the infant other than that of anesthesia, 21 and so the interventions are best delivered simultaneously to maximize their effectiveness and to minimize the risk of complications associated with each intervention.
Jacob De Haan Ross Roy Pdf Download
the intervention period is divided into a first phase and a second phase. the purpose of the first phase of the protocol is to evaluate and refine the intervention. the research team will write an intervention protocol that incorporates all of the components of the study, as well as a budget plan for the intervention. all relevant members of the research team will participate in the writing of the protocol. once the intervention protocol has been determined, it will be implemented at the clinical center. during this first phase, the research team will begin to assess the feasibility of the intervention. 464, 465
based on the experience of the research team with infants (18 ) , it is imperative that there be strict adherence to the intervention protocol in order to maximize the effectiveness of the therapeutic intervention. this intervention protocol is based on elements of literature review and is informed by the experience of the research team, which consists of clinical psychologists, speech-language pathologists, a pediatrician, neonatologists, neurointensivists, anesthesiologists, and neonatal anesthesiologists. the primary goal of this first phase of the protocol is to refine the intervention protocol and to design an appropriate and comprehensive assessment of outcomes.