Docker For Mac Connection Refused [CRACKED]
Mucking about with command line flags for configuration of Docker containers gets kind of gross after a short amount of time. Much better is to use Docker Compose.Shut down the Docker containers from above first (docker rm -f broker; docker rm -f zookeeper) and then create docker-compose.yml locally using this example.
Docker For Mac Connection Refused
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You can run docker-compose up -d and it will restart any containers for which the configuration has changed (i.e., broker). Note that if you just run docker-compose restart broker, it will restart the container using its existing configuration (and not pick up the ports addition).
So how do we juggle connections both within and external to Docker? By creating a new listener. Brokers can have multiple listeners for exactly this purpose. Network topologies get funky, and when the going gets funky, Kafka rocks out some more listeners.The changes look like this:
I noticed the containers that did not have a port to map/bind to the host has this issue of recognizing host.docker.internal to the host's localhost. Hence I used a dummy port for the container that has an issue connecting and it started to work.
This blog post covers the issue & fix which most of us encountered while performing the kubectl get command. We often see a kubectl get server error while saying the connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused
I suspect that the problem is that ShinyProxy is not connecting to the docker host. I have read the documentation located at -started/#docker-startup-options. However, these instructions are for Linux, not macOS. I have spent a couple hours searching, and have not had luck finding instructions on how to set DOCKER_OPTS on macOS. Does anyone have instructions on how to do this?
Connect to the unix socket directly. To do this, just omit the url setting from your application.yml file.Note that shinyproxy needs sudo to access the unix socket (at unix:///var/run/docker.sock).
Note: If you just installed Docker and still don't have a docker group to which you can add the user, create the group before running the command listed above. To do so, run: sudo groupadd docker.
Following the tutorials, installed Docker, installed Sandbox, troubleshooted for hours and finally got Ambari up and working. Came back 2 weeks later to do the Atlas tutorials, and can't connect. In OSX terminal, I an starting with command ssh root@ -p 8080;. I am getting a Connection refused error. Did I miss some simple step? Thanks in advance.
It seems I have this problem solved now, but so that I learn more -- how do you safely power down the sandbox? and then to power up, I just do "docker start sandbox" and then ssh in on port 2222? I have tried so many things that I want to walk away with this clarified. So, 1) how to power down and 2) and I correct in how to power up? Thanks!
I added comments above. I have reinstalled the image. I think I deleted it from my downloads at some point, because I thought if it was loaded into Docker, it was loaded into Docker. Can you confirm this is true or not -- that I need to keep the tar file on my laptop? Because now that I have downloaded it again and reinstalled, I'm still getting the connection error. Also, when you say start and stop the image, do you just mean command line "docker start sandbox" and how to stop? I'm a newbie -- thanks for all your help!!
E0530 12:47:01.060000 1 leaderelection.go:224] error retrieving resource lock kube-system/kube-controller-manager: Get :6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/endpoints/kube-controller-manager: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
I got docker installed to the host and kubectl installed to master.I can ssh from master to host and visa-verse. I receive ping replies as well. But cannot telnet into any of the machines from my physical Windows machine.
Next, run the following commands. These commands verify that the SSH connections aren't being blocked by the OS firewall or TCP wrapper. The commands also verify that the sshd service is running and listening on port 22.
The AWSSupport-TroubleshootSSH automation runbook installs the Amazon EC2Rescue tool for Linux on the instance. This tool checks for and attempts to fix issues that prevent a remote connection Linux host though SSH.
We will download this image on our local system using docker commands and then run the image in the docker container on localhost port. Once we run the image in the container, we will be able to use SQL server on our M1 based Mac.
Maybe you used different credentials while running the container. To check this, just go to your docker container instance and click on Inspect tab. The tab will display the credentials that needs to be used for connecting to SQL server instance.
If you don't have dockerd running, you will get the following error for most docker commands:installing-and-using-mariadb-via-dockerCannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:/var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
With docker stop, the container will be gracefully terminated: a SIGTERM signal will be sent to the mysqld process, and Docker will wait for the process to shutdown before returning the control to the shell. However, it is also possible to set a timeout, after which the process will be immediately killed with a SIGKILL. Or it is possible to immediately kill the process, with no timeout.
On some systems, commands such as docker stop mariadbtest and docker restart mariadbtest may fail with a permissions error. This can be caused by AppArmor, and even sudo won't allow you to execute the command. In this case, you will need to find out which profile is causing the problem and correct it, or disable it. Disabling AppArmor altogether is not recommended, especially in production.
When running a cluster or a replication setup via Docker, we will want the containers to use different ports. The fastest way to achieve this is mapping the containers ports to different port on our system. We can do this when creating the containers (docker run command), by using the -p option, several times if necessary. For example, for Galera nodes we will use a mapping similar to this one:
To load configuration parameters, Airbyte must first docker pull the connector's image, which may be many hundreds of megabytes. Under poor connectivity conditions, the request to pull the image may take a very long time or time out. More context on this issue can be found here. If your Internet speed is less than 30Mbps down or are running bandwidth-consuming workloads concurrently with Airbyte, you may encounter this issue. Run a speed test to verify your internet speed.
One workaround is to manually pull the latest version of every connector you'll use then resetting Airbyte. Note that this will remove any configured connections, sources, or destinations you currently have in Airbyte. To do this:
If you are running into connection refused errors when running Airbyte via Docker Compose on Mac, try using host.docker.internal as the host. On Linux, you may have to modify docker-compose.yml and add a host that maps to your local machine using extra_hosts.
The workaround for this is trying to transfer the tables you really want to use to another namespace. If you need all tables you should split them into separate namespaces and try to use two connections. Connection refused: connect is the most frequent kind of occurring networking exception in Java whenever the software is in client-server architecture and trying to make a TCP connection from the client to the server. We need to handle the exception carefully in order to fulfill the communication problem. First, let us see the possible reasons for the occurrence of Connection refused.
Implementation: Here we are using MySQL database connectivity and connection info should be of this format. Now let us see the ways to fixing the ways of Connection refused. Ping the destination host by using the commands as shown below:
tyk_gateway_1 2017/01/19 00:28:59 grpc: addrConn.resetTransport failed to create client transport: connection error: desc = "transport: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"; Reconnecting to
"coprocess_options": "enable_coprocess": true, "coprocess_grpc_server": "tcp://dockerhost:50051" , "enable_bundle_downloader": true, "bundle_base_url": " ", "global_session_lifetime": 100, "force_global_session_lifetime": false, "max_idle_connections_per_host": 100
Ok, that means that the Tyk process, because it is running in the container, will be targeting the loopback interface of the container, and so querying port 50051 on the docker container, not your local OS.
Put together a timeline to eliminate events prior to the error/problem occurring. For example, if you recently reconfigured your firewall and are now having connection issues it might be worth reviewing the settings or rolling back to see whether that resolves the problem.
You could look for the ip of your postgres container to contact it (see for example this answer on SO), but you don't even have to. docker/docker-compose are making this easy for you by mapping container/service names on the same network to their respective IPs automagically. So your db server is reachable using the service name psql_postgis_db
2. The client runs a POST command to submit the blob metadata:2018052311490022REQUEST127.0.0.1adminPOST/api/docker/docker/v2/ubuntu/blobs/uploads/HTTP/1.020203. The client will PATCH the rest of the blob metadata to Artifactory:2018052311490060REQUEST127.0.0.1adminPATCH/api/docker/docker/v2/ubuntu/blobs/uploads/5582de7a-3127-48d9-bcb5-d61734f14e36HTTP/1.020204. Finally the client sends the layer binary:20180523114900122REQUEST127.0.0.1adminPUT/api/docker/docker/v2/ubuntu/blobs/uploads/5582de7a-3127-48d9-bcb5-d61734f14e36HTTP/1.020105. Artifactory moves the binaries from a temporary _uploads folder to the Docker image's main location at the base directory of the repository: